Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Last night was a crazy experience with the bat in our house. Peter and I were setting up our new computer when we notice there is a bat sitting on our lamp shade. We both panic for a second and then I ran into the bathroom while Peter proceeded to get read of the bat. To make a long story short....the bat met his new friend, the tennis racket. Exciting night. I slept the remaining night completely under the covers, including my head.

This is our 3rd bat. The first 2 were before I moved in and I told Peter if we ever had a bat again, I would move out. So I guess I am packing my bags and moving back home with my parents.

Noah update: He is still sick with Roseola. This is his 4th day with a fever. It is slowly decreasing so hopefully by tomorrow the fever with be gone. And then, a full body rash will appear. What fun. Poor little peanut. I took him to the doctor on monday and he weighed a hefty 23lbs. So I guess he is not such a little peanut anymore.....maybe a walnut now.

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