But Happy Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for this year. Noah is such a blessing to both Peter and I and also our new addition who should be arriving in early June (June 9th). I feel like the luckiest mom. This thanksgiving was a little out of the ordinary for our family. Peter and I spent the evening in the ER because I was bleeding and at risk for a miscarriage. Luckily, little peanut #2 didn't want to give up yet. The heart beat was strong and the baby was very active on the ultrasound. I was diagnosed with Subchorionic Hemorrhaging. It does put the baby at risk but with some rest and taking it easy for awhile the bleeding should stop and most likely I will be able to carry this baby to term. Prayers are needed. And we are trying to keep a positive outlook on things.
Well, that's about it for our thanksgiving. Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season.
12 years ago