Friday, May 28, 2010
I just want you to know how much I love you. Tonight before going to bed, I checked on you both, prayed over you, and cuddled with you a little. Emme, I picked you up and rocked you back to sleep. I am sorry for waking you, but soon you wont want me to rock you anymore. You are growing up way to fast. I need to get all my cuddle time in now, while your still a baby. You are so precious. I love watching you sleep in my arms.
And Noah, you are growing up to be such a smart, funny, and handsome little man. When I checked on you tonight, I found you naked at the end of your bed. I don't know what happened from the time I put you to bed at 8 until 10, but you make me laugh. Luckily you kept your diaper on. I gave you an extra blanket and snuggled in for a bit. You never woke up, but I whispered "I love you" in your ear and kissed your cheek.
Sweet Dreams :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
mmmm soo good Emmers. This was her first whole cone. She was suppose to share with Daddy but she put up a huge fuss so we just gave it to her. She actually finished it all...cone and everything :)
A week ago Friday, Pete, the kids and I participated in a 5k run to support healthy lifestyles and saint paul school district. It was a blast. It was my first 5k and I was so proud that I actually ran the whole 3.11 miles. We finished in 31:30.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I'm Back!
Some quick news and then I will get to the pictures. Noah has moved into his big boy bed!!! He has done great and always stays in his bed. We are very proud of him. He also pooped in his potty this week!! Yeah Noah! Emme is so close to crawling but just doesn't seem to go for it yet. She gets up on all fours and rocks and sometimes makes one move and then plop....down she goes and the screaming begins. She may never crawl and this rate. She is also getting ready for her big 1st birthday soon. I cant believe she will be 1! This year has just flown by.
Noah with his reading material in the bathroom. He is trying to go poop so he can get another present. No luck on this try :( But he did make some pretty goofy faces to make all of us laugh. He is such a character.
Noah and Emme love to play together. Here they are after nap cuddling and jumping in Emme's bed.
Miss Hot Stuff with her wild hair after getting up from nap.
Peek-a-Boo Emme. I love her face in this picture. She was being silly.
On Mother's Day, Pete and Noah made a nice warm fire and played out in the backyard while I put Emme down and had some quiet time to myself. I don't know if Noah or Peter enjoyed the fire more. They both love making bon fires.
Emme is not to sure about the camera.
Happy cinco de mayo! On may 5th we celebrated the Mexican holiday and my birthday by going out to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant. Noah had a blast.
Noah helping with the garden. We are making a square foot garden this year and Noah has enjoyed helping out. We planted a bunch of vegetables. Hopefully it will turn out.